Styles Handler

The styles handler exposes the following public methods:

  • register_public_style for adding a style to the internal frontend registration queue

  • deregister_public_style for removing a style from the internal frontend registration queue

  • enqueue_public_style for adding a style to the internal frontend enqueueing queue

  • dequeue_public_style for removing a style from the internal frontend enqueueing queue

  • register_admin_style for adding a style to the internal admin-side registration queue

  • deregister_admin_style for removing a style from the internal admin-side registration queue

  • enqueue_admin_style for adding a style to the internal admin-side enqueueing queue

  • dequeue_admin_style for removing a style from the internal admin-side enqueueing queue

  • add_inline_style for registering a CSS string to be outputted before or after another enqueued file

The methods follow almost 1-to-1 the WP scripts API, in particular the wp_register_style function, the wp_enqueue_style function, and the wp_add_inline_style function.

The register_admin_style and enqueue_admin_style methods accept a specialized argument $hook_suffixes. By default it's null, but it can be set to an array to conditionally register/enqueue the scripts only when the global variable $hook_suffix is set to one of the values.

As mentioned on the Assets Service page, the handler will automatically attempt to register/enqueue the minified version of your script (if it exists in the same folder and has the .min.css extension) and will attempt to set the file version to the result of the PHP filemtime function.

For assets being loaded from an external URL, the $fallback_version argument will be used by default instead of trying to call filmemtime on the script.

Last updated