Local action traits

There are a few traits offered for your convenience. Every single action interface comes with a basic trait that provides the following implementation:

  • Stores the action result as a nullable exception property.

  • Stores the action state as a nullable boolean property with the following interpretation:

    • null means that the action has not been attempted yet and accessing the action result will throw a PHP runtime error.

    • true means that the action was performed successfully and accessing the action result will return null.

    • false means that the action failed and accessing the action result will return the Exception which caused the failure.

  • Provides getters for both the action result and state.

  • Implements the respective action method. The action method set the action state and result, and will return an exception is called more than once (but will maintain the original state and result).

The most confusing part must be the last point. If the action method is already implemented, then where do you put your class' action logic? Short answer: in a protected action method that ends with _local. Long answer: either there, or in a protected method defined by an action extension trait. But we'll look into that on the next page.

It might be best to look at an example. Open the default trait for the OutputtableInterface by clicking here and then look at the method output. The first if statement basically checks for the existence of the trait OutputLocalTrait (see here) on the current object and, if present, calls the method output_local which has the same return type as the original output method.

Ignoring the second elseif statement for now, if output_local returns null, the output action is considered successful. Otherwise it fails with the result of the local output action.

In practice you wouldn't use the OutputtableTrait directly, but you'd use the OutputLocalTrait only since it already "imports" the OutputtableTrait:


namespace DeepWebSolutions\Plugins\MyTestPlugin\Actions;

use DeepWebSolutions\Framework\Foundations\Actions\OutputtableInterface;
use DeepWebSolutions\Framework\Foundations\Actions\Outputtable\OutputFailureException;
use DeepWebSolutions\Framework\Foundations\Actions\Outputtable\OutputLocalTrait;

class MyOutput implements OutputtableInterface {
    use OutputLocalTrait; // USE THIS
    protected bool $success;
    public function __construct( bool $success ) {
        $this->success = $success;
    protected function output_local(): ?OutputFailureException {
        if ( true === $this->success ) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return new OutputFailureException( 'Local output failed for some reason' ); 

$my_output = new MyOutput( true );
$my_output->output(); // equals null

$my_output = new MyOutput( false );
$my_output->output()->getMessage(); // equals 'Local output failed for some reason'

The page uses the output action as an example but all the concepts carry over to all the other actions as well.

The article mentions that the traits will return an error if the action method is called twice. That is true, but there exists one exception: if an object is both runnable and resettable and uses both default traits, then it is possible to call the run method again after calling the reset method and the reset method again after calling the run method indefinitely.

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